Discretionary Portfolio Management



No one has access to your funds except you. Your money is kept with a custodian and all assets remain yours. You don't own a unit of a trust or corporation as is the case with Mutual Funds... You own the actual securities themselves. There is no way for the portfolio managers to withdraw your money, as I said before you are the only one with access to your funds.

transparency and access

Full transparency of fees being charged as in you actually see this happen with dollar figure shown in your account monthly. Some of these fees can be deducted from your income in the year you incure them. Wouldn't it be nice to know what you are paying for the value you are receiving? The management fees are usually lower than traditional mutual funds. Full online (paperless) account setup, account access online, access through mobile applications. You would have access to speak with the portfolio manager if needed or wanted. Fully transparent and up to date account holdings so you know exactly where your money is invested and when changes are made to your account.


Discretionary portfolio management is a service that was traditionally reserved for wealthy investors or institutional investors  like pensions and large corporations. A portfolio manager takes responsibility for making all the  investment decisions at their discretion based on your goals, objectives and requirements. The key benefit is that they monitor the portfolios and can react very quickly if there are developments in the markets. 

Portfolio managers have a fiduciary duty to act with care, honesty, good faith and always in the best  interest of their clients. Investment decisions, therefore,  must be independent and free of bias. They are registered  and monitored by provincial securities commissions.  Firms registered as portfolio managers must meet strict  financial reporting, capital and insurance requirements  to further protect your investments.